* indicates undergraduate co-author

1. Leuchtenberger, SG, M. Daleo, P. Gullickson, A. Delgado, C. Lo, & Nishizaki MT. 2022. The effects of temperature and pH on the reproductive ecology of sand dollars and sea urchins: Impacts on sperm swimming and fertilization. PLOS ONE. e0276134

2. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2019. Settlement and Recruitment of Pelagic Larvae to Benthic Habitats. Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society.

3. Sebens K, SarĂ  G, & MT Nishizaki. 2017. Energetics, particle capture and trophic ecology of benthic suspension feeders. In: Marine Animal Forests: The Ecology of Benthic Biodiversity Hotspots. [editors] Rossi S, Bramanti L, Gori A, Orejas C & G Tsounis. Springer, Germany.

4. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2017. Mussels blow rings: Jet behavior affects local mixing. Limnology & Oceanography 62(1): 125-136. L&O Featured Article

5. Helmuth at al. 2016. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data 3: 160087.

New York Times coverage: "Robotic Mussels Track Rising Temperatures for Climate Research"

6. Nishizaki MT & E Carrington. 2015. The effect of water temperature and velocity on barnacle growth: quantifying the impact of multiple environmental stressors. Journal of Thermal Biology 54: 37-46.

7. Nishizaki MT, S Barron* & E Carew*. 2015. Thermal stress increases fluctuating asymmetry in marine mussels: environmental variation and developmental instability. Ecosphere 6(5) art85

8. Nishizaki MT & E Carrington. 2014. Behavioral responses to water flow and temperature influence feeding in the barnacle, Balanus glandula. Marine Ecology Progress Series 507: 207-218.

9. Nishizaki MT & E Carrington. 2014. The effect of water temperature and flow on respiration in barnacles: patterns of mass transfer versus kinetic limitation. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2101-2109.

10. Gurarie E, D Grunbaum & MT Nishizaki. 2010. Estimating 3D movements from 2D observations using a continuous model of helical microorganism swimming. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 73(6):1358-77

11. Grunbaum D, K Chan, E Tobin & MT Nishizaki. 2008. Non-linear advection-diffusion equations approximate swarming but not schooling populations. Mathematical Biosciences 214 : 38-48.

12. Woodson CB et al. 2007. Local diurnal upwelling driven by sea breezes in northern Monterey Bay Continental Shelf Research 27: 2289-2302.

13. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2007. Juvenile-adult associations in sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. droebachiensis): protection from predation and hydrodynamics in S. franciscanus ). Marine Biology 151:135-145.

14. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2005. A secondary chemical cue facilitates adult-juvenile associations in red sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus). Limnology & Oceanography 50(1): 354-362.

15. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2004. Juvenile-adult associations in sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. droebachiensis): Is nutrition involved? Marine Ecology Progress Series 268:93-103.

16. Marchinko KB, MT Nishizaki, & KC Burns. 2004. Community-wide character displacement in barnacles: A new perspective on an old pattern. Ecology Letters 7: 114-120.

17. Ackerman JD & MT Nishizaki. 2004. The effect of velocity on the suspension feeding and growth of the marine mussels Mytilus trossulus and M. californianus: Implications for competition and niche separation. Journal of Marine Systems 49: 195-207.

18. Nishizaki MT & JD Ackerman. 2001. Gimme shelter: factors influencing juvenile sheltering in Strongylocentrotus franciscanus. Pp. 515-520 In Mike Barker (editor). Echinoderms 2000. Swets & Zeitlinger. Lisse, Netherlands.

19. Ackerman JD & MT Nishizaki. 1999. How stiff is a French fry? Teaching biomechanics to biology students. The Journal of Biological Education 34(1): 36-40.